Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Welcome to our new blog!


This is the first post on our new blog!  Our plan is to use this as a forum to share our staffs unique experiences within the construction industry.   It is our plan to write this blog in a "down to earth" writing style.  This isn't going to be a sales pitch styled blog, but more of a road map of what our most succesful subcontractors are doing as well as what the zombie contractors are doing... (more below on zombies)

Every day we hear the stories... Most are your run of the mill "I need a new painter the guy I used is retiring, out of business, downsized or whatever." These are boring.  Our plan is to tell the more interesting stories here.  While I doubt I will usually publish the names of the people involved but sometimes I will.  The nitemare stories the generals tell us about why they need a new sub is as sad as it is funny.

Back to the zombies.  Here at Construction Pipeline we refer to subcontractors who are dead but they just don't know it as zombie contractors.  Ohhhh, the stories we could tell...wait...we can now!  We offer the first three leads for free to try out our service, but it really is  as much about us testing the subs.   We follow up on every project lead that is sent out so the madness that grips some of these new guys is staggering.   Heres a few from this month....

"The sub showed up on the loudest motorcyle I have ever heard and had on a Hello Kitty backback."

"I said how can you inspect the roof without a ladder?  Don't worry I will just climb"

Sub was clearly drunk...
"Have you been drinking?"  
"I haven't drank in 17 years" 
"Had a drinking problem in the past eh?"

Needless to say these guys are all blacklisted never to use our service again.

More to come....

All the best,
Greg and The Team at Construction Pipeline